speaker match with rogue audio

sometime this year i should have a budget for a speaker upgrade. my associated gear:
rogue 99 mag preamp
rogue 88 amp
metronome cd1 mk1
msb link dac iii
ps audio 600
paradigm monitor 7s
absolute power cords from gtt audio
alpha core mi2 sp cable, 8ft
alpha core tourmaline ics

the paradigms are a remnant of my first non mass market venture.
i will eventually upgrade the 88 to magnum status and a dac or cdp upgrade is definitley looming on the horizon.
can't decide what do do first: speakers, cdp/dac or amp.

i have listened to some osborns, titan monitors, eclipses and epitomes with the rogue gear. nice, especially the epitome mark iii's
some have said i should consider silverline, audio physic, and meadowlark.
i listen to all types of music and go through listening phases. recently i've been listening to a lot of acoustic and electric blues and rock, but will also listen to jazz for extended periods.
i know that tubes will be in my life for the rest of my days, but solid state will likely reappear when i can afford good gear (not any time soon sadly since tubes rule my life now).
can anyone recommend or offer their experience with a speaker upgrade? other manufacturers to consider and why, etc.
also, dac/cdp upgrade suggestions are welcome, though i can definitley live happily with my metronome for some time.

thanks in advance for those that post

happy hifi new year
I have tried both the Rogue 66 & 88 with Merlin and Green Mountain speakers ; the 05 and 1.5 . They both were a great match with the Rogues' . I prefer the Green Mountain line because I find that it hat more detail and a wider sound stage , but a bit less bass . Everyone's hears sound a bit differently but I think these two companies make a speaker that matches your system as well if not better than any other speakers out there .
Try a pair of silver lace interconnects from www.homegrown.com. That will be an inexpensive upgrade from the tourmelines (did that myself with a tube pre and Rogue 88). Audition the Meadowlark line-up (esp. Shearwater).
Mark O'brien uses Audio Physic Virgo's with his set up. I have had great success with the Virgo's and the Rogue Magnum Tempest ( the magnum upgrades are incredible, think about having the 88 done).
There are some great deals going on used Virgo's (@$2500) as the new model 3 has just come out.
The Virgo was a big upgrade from the shearwater Hotrods in my system, the shearwaters sound a little lifeless in comparison and surprisingly were much more pwer hungry than the Virgo's. The Merlins are OK but a little bright I think and lacking in the bass region.
Personally I always think of bang for the buck. I second the Merlins but I have a soft spot for B&W's, especially for a symphonic type of presentation even with jazz and blues. The cdp should be way down the road. Go for the amp upgrade because the magnum upgrades are very special.