speaker choices for Classe CAM350 mono blocks

I have recently acquired a pair of the new Classe Audio CAM350 Mono Blocks which are recommended under Class A component in the Stereophile magazine.
Presently my system is as follows:
Source- EAD T-7000 transport to Sonic Frontier Ultrajitterbug via Marigo Apparition 3A digital cable/to Genesis Digital Lens via Cardas Lightning digital cable/to Theta DS Pro Gen lll via Taralab Decade digital cable
Preamp- Classe CP-50 driven by Straigtwire Crescendo IC's from DAC
Power Amp- Classe CAM350 (350 Watts/ch)mono block driven by Cardas Golden Cross IC's from preamp
Speakers- Paragon Jubilee and Jems driven by Vampire Continous Casting Silver speaker cables from power amp
The system sounds fast, transparent and musical.
Can anybody suggest a better speaker match for me to upgrade from the $9000 Paragon speaker system ?
It's sort of backwards to select the speakers after the amps. I bought the CAM-350s specifically to drive a pair of Egglestonworks Andras ($14,900 new), which need the kind of power the 350s can provide to perform their best. The Andras were Stereophile's speaker of the year in 1997, they're beautiful, comparatively small, and can go within a foot of the rear wall. There are usually one or two pairs on Audiogon for $6500-$8000 used. If you really want to hear something special, put four Aurios Pros under each of the Andras spiked feet ($200 each, $1600 total from Audionut.com).
It looks to me your current system is quite well matched. Why do you want to upgrade the speakers? In what area do you want to improve? How big is your room? What kind of music do you like? It is impossible to recommand anything without knowing more details.
To Sidssp
I find the Jubilees' tweeters not the last word because I have heard better highs from speakers such as the JMlab Utopias. Unfortunately, I don't like the bass sound of the Utopia woofers which to me, sound a little rubbery.
My room is quite large. It is about 20'x26'
why do you want to change out these speakers. if you want a different flavor sound play with your amps some more, or speaker cable. if you find the sound of the 350's somewhat dry as stereophile's review suggests could happen, you could use a different. i.e. warmer amp. i choose these speakers because of their impedence load is an easy one for tube amps, i.e. 5 to 6 ohms and i'm using a mesa baron to drive them. i find these speakers very revealing of all changes upstream of them. i replaced quad 63's for the increase in dynamic range and feel i gave up little by way of detail, transparency etc, and i consider them very neutral, detailed and they "disappear". you could spend a lot more and not approach the system you have.
If you like clean tight bass. I suggest you audition a pair of B&W N800. I have heard N800 Signature driven by three different power amps including ML335, Classe Omaga mono, and Classe CAM350 mono. Overall, they sound very smooth and very clean, a bit too clean to my taste but you might like it.