Will people buy Snake Oil?

I have just formulated a new product that you apply around your ears in the form of a green gel.It improves the sound of any speaker by at least double.The only visible problem is it looks fairly strange and not many women are attracted too the look or smell.I don't guess this matters to much since most systems are listened to by one person at a time and about anything proclaimed to enhance the sound is acceptable.It's less than the price of rattlesnake meat and you get enough to last through space and drums 3 times.Now to the question.Will anyone buy it?
Is this for real?? Is it on "the list"? if so, I want some! Do you take credit cards??
The break-in period has me worried, though.... I too will be interested in the battery powered warmer as Ctyler suggested. And you thought IC break-in periods were too long, lol. I better not have to wear this stuff on my ears for >50hrs before it starts working its magic!


Is this a "Stereophile Recommended Component?"
if your product is formulated from the droppings of your hifi cows runnin' in your hififarm fields, you'll likely need the approval of the department of agriculture, the epa and the fda. state and local authorities should also be notified of your, IMO, environmentally unsafe use of cow pies. -cfb
Since when does an "audio product" need to support the claims made for it or be subject to certification ? If the "green gel" is somewhat akin to "runny mucuous", you might even be able to claim that it is "all natural" too... Sean