Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic

I was wondering if anyone has switched from Electrostatic/Planar speakers to traditional dynamic speakers and if so, from what to what and why? Thanx!
I went from Soundlab U-1, powered with Wolcott tubes to Bose 901 lifestyle speakers and never looked back.
Yeah, back in the late 1980's, I migrated from a pair of Acoustat Model 2's to my first pair of Vandersteens -- the Model 2Ci. The switch had some pluses and minuses, but I simply couldn't live with the incredibly small "sweet spot" of the Acoustats, nor their rather limited dynamic range (mostly a matter of being grossly inefficient). From time to time, I listen to a pair of electrostatics at a dealer (such as the M-L Prodigy's) and wish I had room in my home for them, but then I go home and and listen to my Vandersteen 3A Signatures, with a pair of 2Wq subwoofers, and am very pleased with what I have.
I went from ML Quest Z's to Wilson Witts (not a good move) than traded them for Legacy Whispers (great move) - Kept these for years and finally sold them (just because) and bought some Quad 989 (ugly) - wife complained so I traded them for ML Odysseys which I like but I still miss the dynamics and midrange of the Whispers.
I've tended to build my systems based on the speakers.
In the early 80's I used Apogee Duettas...subsequently I had
a pair if Martin Logan CLS II's for about six years. I've
been with WATT/Puppies now for 10 years and am happier with
dynamic speakers because 1) they should provide better imaging and dynamics leading to more longterm satisfaction
rather than the shortterm 'wow' factor that some planars can
provide 2) they are somewhat less electronics sensitive thus
you will have less upgradeitis than you would with a planar
3)in the CLS case, I had added different Entec subs and in
hindsight I think the simpler the setup, the better 4) the
planars will visually dominate your room.