Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic

I was wondering if anyone has switched from Electrostatic/Planar speakers to traditional dynamic speakers and if so, from what to what and why? Thanx!
I owned Quad 57's for many years before moving to dynamic speakers, of which I have had a succession: Avalon Eclipse, Spendor 1/2, and now ProAc 2.5. Despite upgrading all other parts of my system, I find that I just don't get off on the music as much as I used to with the Quads. Could be age, could be the speakers. The Quads are in the garage, but I'm kinda afraid to set them up again, if you know what I mean.
Yes Clueless on both counts. I have spent $thousands$ trying to "upgrade" components and cables but I have to say the few hundred $$ I spent upgrading the crossover knocked me out. WAY more than a tweak! George was a great help to me. Being a novice, I liked the information he provides in his website especially the info on cascade bypassing capacitors. He helped me piece together the parts list and answered questions along the way. The results were stellar. I've been sharing results with other Apogee owners and I now understand George has packaged a kit to upgrade Apogees.
Years back Stereophile and other reviewers talked enthusistically about the virtues of the Apogee sound but with those kmart crossovers removed and replaced with premium parts I can only imagine what they would have written about them.
i have never owned a pair of stats. i have however listened to them extensively through an audio club and dealer. (maggies old and new (i like the old 3 pannel ones the best); big sound labs and old quads). the seamless sound is so alluring. they do lack punch though....not bass per say; punch maybe it is the air moving from the woofer.? i think you can get the seamless sound and punch from some good dynamic speakers. i currnetly have the merlin vsm-ms. i am happy with them but they are a 2 driver system that blends well. to me i can hear the cross overs in a lot of speakers....that distracts me. always fwiw.
In the old days I had Maggies and also Acoustat 3's ( modded with better caps etc) changed over to Hales Sig 2's and have never looked back. When it comes to dynamics, stat's and planars just lag IMHO. Once you hear a great dynamic speaker, the limitations of stat's and planars are very obvious.
Well, the only speakers which have tempted me so far, were the A-Capella horns, discussed elsewhere here on this site.
Daveyf, you are ( almost ) right, with the planars and stats being limited in dynamics. To overcome this, you need either the big Sound Labs or use more than just one speaker per side, which poses other problems, which can however be solved by careful placement.