Girl diagnoses & solves mechanical problem

This may not be news for most of you, but it is a major news flash for me and I just had to brag at my "prowess." I EVEN USED A TORX SCREWDRIVER! I just received my Coincident Triumph Signatures yesterday and was setting them up in my small HT system. I was playing FM radio through them and they sounded OK. I went to work. Last night, I put on a couple of CDs and there was no sparkle or splash, no snap of the electric guitar notes, etc. I put my ear right up next to the tweeters and could swear there was no sound coming out of them. But this was the case w/both speakers! So I couldn't believe I was hearing right, because how could both tweeters have been blown before delivery (I bought from a reputable dealer whom I have dealt with before) or damaged during shipping? I decided to sleep on it (the problem, not the speakers). This morning, before work, I brought my ProAc Response 1SC's up from downstairs, and the guitar notes etc. all sounded right. Something was definitely wrong! I noticed some foam in the port holes in the back of the Coincidents. I tried to pull it out but it was more than just a plug and wouldn't come free. So I went downstairs to my toolbox, got out the torx wrench set my handyman brother had bought me years ago, and got the tweeter fittings unscrewed. I removed them gently (the magnets fell out into my hand) and saw immediately that the tweeters weren't even plugged in!! I reattached the lead wires to the tweeters, in both speakers, and rescrewed in the tweeter housings, and the speakers came to life (DUH!) I am sure this is not newsworthy for most of you, but if there are any other females reading this, you know how impressed I am w/myself. I can well imagine my very nonaudiophile friends and relatives, male and female, happily using these speakers for years w/no tweeters and not even noticing. Or me, several years ago, returning the speakers as damaged. i am so puffed up w/pride in myself that I am even thinking of attempting one of the DIY SET amp kits that are available. I have been eager to try out an SET and maybe I am up to soldering? Of course, I don't want to go overboard. . .
........gotta admit the above verbal intercourse above is a HUGE improvement over the serious flamewars of maybe a year ago-- I bet A'gon's happy;>). Kudos gang, and Cheers. Craig.
SHEESH.... You never know where some of these things will end up or what ground will be covered getting there. Some near-miss "catfights", Angela and Albert telling "dirty" jokes, etc... I agree Craig, MUCH better than the name calling that we had a while back. Sean
So I know how you feel....
I had bought a first pair of "real" speakers...
took me a month of pirouetting my speakers, upgrading my amp...buying a new CDP... to finally open them up to discover that one tweeter was noteven connected! (I can only surmise that the dealer had been running them like that!?)...
and when I made the discovery...and connected it myself....I felt like Columbus discovering America!
Albert, yer a genius.... a commode! That's EXACTLY where Sarah's poor thread ended up! Perfect :-)
And to Sarah, we do tend to get off topic - but the thought still remains, I think it's cool that you jumped in and figured it out and fixed it! Most people would not have done that and you should feel PROUD - aj
and for you, Albert.... you continue to add fun!