Just purchased Wilson Maxx's. Now what ?? Amps?

If anyone could help !! I'm just getting started and have only the Wilson Maxx speakers. I'd like to start with a great stereo, but turn it into a Home thearte. Money is not the biggest deal, however the clouds are the limit. Where do I go from here??? Pre amp, amp, cables etc.????
As always there are lots of answers. Some people like one amp, other like another amp. I heard that some of the people at Wilson use Atma-Sphere OTL amps. Now I don't know how true this is, just what I heard. You are in a good position in that you have great speakers and can build whatever you want. I wish I was in your position.
Try to obtain a pair ($8000 or so) of BEL Mark-V's. These unassuming amps are the best I've heard (the finest dynamics in the land!). My humble ARC VT-100 Mk III isn't to shabby either.
In my opinion, the speaker, the speaker cable and the power amp should be regarded as a "single component" as these three items have a great deal of potential synergy. Thus, I would complete this part of the system before moving on to other components.

As a former owner of Watt/Puppires for several years, when it came to cable and amp selection, I followed "conventional wisdom" in my selection of speaker cable and power amps. Wilson speakers seem to like the net work box cables (i.e. Transparent and MIT).

As far as power amps are concerned, for several years when Wilson displayed their speakers at shows they were typically paired with either ARC or Krell power amps. When I had my Watt/Puppies I initilally had Audio Research Classic 120's and then swithced to Krell Audio Standard-2's. Given your home theatre ambitions I would probably stay away from tubes and go with solid state.

Although the Krells would be a good choice I must echo the sentiments of Mzn50 and Rosstaman on the Halcro dm58's on the Wilson Maxx. I also heard this combo at "The Show" in Vegas and the sound was magnificent. One of my favorite rooms. So if it were me - I'd go with Transparent Reference speaker cable and with the Halcro amps.
In response to Cornfedboys comments on Wilson using the Nagra equipment, that may be true, but Wilson uses a lot of equipment. In the past Dave has favored the Levinson amps and Audio Research Pre and Krell amps. However, now that Krell is building speakers and Levinson is associated with Revel through Harmon International, he is moving away from those brands. Two brands he hasn't used because he doesn't like the sound is Pass and Boulder. And I stick by my listening experience with Nagra pre and amps driven by a VPI 5 and Koetsu Rosewood cartridge into Avalon Eidelons. I had to leave the room because it sounded shrill to me. I am not slamming Nagra, they get great reviews...for me, I was surprised they didn't sound better. The good thing about MAXX speakers is the ability to mate with many different brands.