Can someone help me please?

I recently moved into a small, no tiny studio apartment and need to get new speakers. Room size is 14'wide x 18' long x 9' ceiling...thats everything. I have carpeting and ltwt drapes. I also cannot play too loud (neighbors) I currently have a NAD 7255 rec., and about to get a Cal Audio cl-5 CDP. I was looking at the Axioms(no way to hear them w/o buying), paradigm atoms, b&w 303's, psb alpha. Do any of these sound good at lower volumes or can someone recommend any to checkout? Many thanks!
Epos ES12 .... great little standmounts.
Ls3/5 (Spendor + others).
Spica Tc50 / Tc60

There are many choices of great small speakers, and many used speakers. You should be able to get great sound in your new aptmt.
check out the totum manitu and red rose has a good pair too, forget model designation.
I've had the Epos 11 for years....super there sound. You can bi-wire them...affordable too on the used market. Very efficient also. Bigger are the Spica TC50's...very nice sound also.
I would second the Castles...for speakers this small...they dont sound thin nor bright...and are forgiving on electronics and source...they also throw out alot of sound for the size...small Spendors are good too...but close to double the cost on the used makes a highly regarded mini-monitor...the Model 5...which is very similiar to the Spendors...they are around $400...good luck...