Got screwed using Paypal What to do?

Paypal won't protect me!
The only way that I can get my money back, according to Paypal, is if they can find the guy that never sent me the unit that I won on ebay.

I paid by credit card on Paypal. The seller took the funds, left for Europe and never sent my unit. Fat chance of them getting anything.

I lost over $2300!
I HATE Paypal!

Does anyone out there know if I can do a credit card chargeback against Paypal.

be sure to call your credit card company asap, file a dispute and ask for their assistance...they may give you a provisional credit while they investigate...good luck
Basically, don't use paypal if you can help it. Their customer service is worse than useless. Definitely issue a chargeback against them (Paypal). They will hate it and fight it and may lock up your account (take out all $ now if you have any in there) , but the CC company should stick up for you. IMHO Paypal is fine until you have a problem, then they suck ass.

-Ed Sawyer
*been there, been screwed by paypal, but the other way around, as a seller*
I ain't no lawyer but I'll just bet my butt Paypal ain't responsble.---- Don't you guys notice dealers with adds here that won't take your card??---But they will take Papal?? The only purpose is so you can't return the item or file a merchant's dispute. Gives you a good idea of what they think of what they're selling. Do yourself a favor and avoid this type of merchant. I'm just about sure that using Paypal is kinda like a cash advance thing.--No recourse! Sorry for your predicament.
Be thankful you used paypal and a credit card, cause now you do have some course of action to take. If you had sent a cashiers check, you would be screwed.Did you check the guy out first? Did he have any feedback?Also did you talk to him on the phone before sending funds? Did the item retail for much more than the $2300.00, as in three times as much? These are all steps to take, they will not guareentee no fraud, but will cut risk considerably. Dealers do not use paypal to keep from having to take items back. Paypal charges 2.9% where as my bank charges me 3.5% to 4% for card use.Which at the selling price(most times lower than dealer cost) the dealer will add back to the item. So the customer would rather have 3% added than 4% Paypal was designed to make cash transactions quick. I hate to say this but most of the time the paypal is the customers request, because they want the item now and as cheap as they can get it. I only sell products on A-gon that are trade-ins or demos that manufactures require me to turn yearly. Most of the time it's the buyer who can give a seller a hard time, wanting the product now.Most of the time these products are very discounted and would not be sold for that price just a month or two before.The bottom line is A-gon and Paypal are tools for consumers to get fantastics deals on great products that they would never get otherwise. When you seek out a deal or superfast service, things are not always perfect, this is a risk consumers will have to take for doing business one the web. My point is support you local dealer! They're is nothing wrong with getting a deal, buy just keep in mind, that something too good may have a catch! I'm sorry for your mishap, but you'll be fine if you contact your credit card as mentioned before.