What speakers do you recommend?

My system is a NAD C660 CD player/burner, run through a pair of Granite 860.1 kt-88 monoblocks (with Granite connectors)into a pair of Snell IV's circa 1995 that I want to upgrade. I listen mostly to jazz, rock, funk and blues at high volume. My listening room is 12x14, and opens into 3 other large rooms. I could use a bit of advice as to how to invest my $$$ (I've set a $5k limit). The advice I've received so far is Revel F30 and Dynaudio Contour 3.0s, but I wanted to get some other views. Thanks.
You should also listen to B&W N803 and Audio Physic Virgo. Out of the speakers you heard and these two it would be hard not to end up with something very good.
I don't think you can go wrong with either of your considerations, and yet you might want to try the Dunlavy
line of speakers. In my 30+ years in this hobby I've not
heard better.
dchristy- Checkout the Coincident Speaker Tech line. They are exceptional, especially with tube amplification. I'd recommend their Eclipse line, rather than the Victory. Just MHO. Good luck.