What speakers do you recommend?

My system is a NAD C660 CD player/burner, run through a pair of Granite 860.1 kt-88 monoblocks (with Granite connectors)into a pair of Snell IV's circa 1995 that I want to upgrade. I listen mostly to jazz, rock, funk and blues at high volume. My listening room is 12x14, and opens into 3 other large rooms. I could use a bit of advice as to how to invest my $$$ (I've set a $5k limit). The advice I've received so far is Revel F30 and Dynaudio Contour 3.0s, but I wanted to get some other views. Thanks.
You should also listen to B&W N803 and Audio Physic Virgo. Out of the speakers you heard and these two it would be hard not to end up with something very good.
I don't think you can go wrong with either of your considerations, and yet you might want to try the Dunlavy
line of speakers. In my 30+ years in this hobby I've not
heard better.
dchristy- Checkout the Coincident Speaker Tech line. They are exceptional, especially with tube amplification. I'd recommend their Eclipse line, rather than the Victory. Just MHO. Good luck.
My first recommendation would be to sell the amps and add the money to your speaker budget to buy a pair of active ATC 50's internally powered speakers. If you're set on the amps, go with a pair of passive ATC 20's. ATC won the 2001 Stereophile Guide to Home Theater system of the year for 2001. I live in Denver and there's a dealer here that demo's them. I just bought 3 ATC 100's for across the front of my home theater. Truly jaw dropping...