I called Richard Vandersteen

Yesterday I called Richard. I could tell he was very busy with phone calls coming in, I waited about a minute on hold. He answered the phone and answered all of my questions. At the end of the conversation about 2 minutes, I said wait Richard one more question, he said one second and put me on hold for about 30 seconds. Yesterday he was busy and abit quick with the questions, but thorough. (I don't blame him, its not a social call, it BUSINESS). I always call around 12-1:30pm eastern time. I called today and had more questions, I told him the same info from the day before(I have your older subs the 2w). Today he was extremely polite and quite fun to talk to. I then told him I was thinking of selling my 2w's (I have 2 of them) and replacing them with his new 2wq's. He said I would be wasting my money and the 2w are truely great subs. He told me to keep the ones I have. I have talked to Richard in the past about buying his subs(a year ago, twice I called) one time he was short and another time quite talkative. The reason I wrote this is I read a tread earlier and seen alot of negative reponses about him. Well I guess when your as busy as him, someday's are good and some are bad, remember we all have bad days. I wouldn't say he is a social butterfly by all means, but in my book he is a very honest business man. He could have easily talked me into two new 2wq's but he didn't. He said keep the ones you have and set them up properly, don't waste your money. So in short, I think the guy is great. I've been to enough dealers and had them try to talk me into new stuff I don't need. Things I already had, but just newwer versions, to get them another sale. So either Richard is very rich and doesn't want to sell more subs or just an honest guy who doesn't take advantage of people. Pete
I think Richard does his best to give you HIS honest opinion. Whether or not he presents it in a friendly manner will depend on his mood and how YOU are dealing with him. After all, we all have our "moments", both good and bad. Sean
Has anybody NOT called Richard Vandersteen? No wonder he's pissed off. Geeez!

Sincerely, I remain
Pcc; yours is a "fair" statement regarding dealing with R. Vandersteen, and it pretty well sums up my experience with him too. I've owned 4 pairs of his speakers over 10 years and have talked to him several times.

Clueless; you need to buy something Vandersteen so you can get on the 'phone with RV. But be advised, like many other things "audio" the listening can be harsh, sweet, smooth, shrill, fatiguing etc-- hey, he's a human. Cheers. Craig