What to use as a shipping box for Rel storm II

I have a REL Storm II that I will be selling soon. I don't have the original shipping box. I called Sumiko the distributor and they want $100 for the factory box. That seems like a pretty expensive way to go. Any suggestions on what to use to ship this 75 pound baby.

I would appreciate any suggestions you can provide.


Go to a Best Buy or similar store and see if they will let you have a couple A/C boxes.Get one that the sub fits into and one the sub/box will fit into.Get a big enough outer box so you can slide some styra-foam in between the 2 boxes.May be worth a shot!
Karls, you are RIGHT on the money. Those places punch you in the nose, elbow you in the gut and knee you in the groin when it comes to pricing. While it is a matter of convenience for some, the pricing is so high that i would rather be "inconvenienced" and save 60 - 70%.

I was in the process of buying a SMALL component from a guy that lived in Vegas ( i live near Chicago ). He told me that it would probably cost about $40 - $45 to ship it here. I told him NO way, try about $10 - $15 at most. Anyhow, he had his wife take care of shipping it out, since he worked and she was home all day. He contacted me the next day to let me know that shipping really was something like $42. He then explained that this was the right price, his wife had been doing business with this shipping company for over 5 years, etc... As i came to find out, she was dealing with a "mailboxes, etc" type of joint. I told him to have her go directly a local UPS terminal and compare price differences for herself. Needless to say, the package was $14 and she was HIGHLY upset. I'm sure that she never went back to "mailboxes, etc" ever again. Except maybe to cuss them out.... Sean
I found that in my area UPS or UHaul has the cheapest strongest boxes. UHaul has lots of packing supplies. Wrap the speaker with a plastic bag, then bubble wrap, then box with combination of peanuts and crushed paper. Then double box it in a larger box and you'll be all set. Cost should be around $35.