Newbie needing experts' advice

Hello everyone. I'm slowly fitting my system together-- now I have CJ 11a power and CJ PFR pre. Next step is the speakers, but found out that there's too many to choose from. My budget is around $1500. I'm looking into KEF Reference 3.2. Any other suggestions? I listen to lots of rock, jazz, and classical music. The speakers don't have to be "latest technology" as I have found old models to sound quite good for my taste. Oh, and WAF is pretty important too. Thanks for your help in advance...
Soliloquy 6.2 or 6.3 would mate nicely with the tube amps and are nice to look at. Some for sale on A'gon now. Website is
I can't be the only one who likes the magnepan 1.6R in this range, can I? Buy a dealer demo and save some green. If I where to buy speakers under 2k that would be what I would go with. Good luck.
Hi. I used to own KEF 105.2. Now have Soliloquy 5.3. Saw a demo pair for $1200. Beautiful, musical, and my wife loves them. Sorry haven't heard 3.2s.
Yes, I wanted to know more about KEF 3.2's (Thanks Ljgj) Now I'm more confused about this than before... All the speakers mentioned are great ones, but I wanted to know specifically about CJ 11a and its good matching speaker. I've tried Magnepan 1.6R, but not enough power-- and low WAF. Now I'm considering Gershman Cameleon and Soliloquy 6.3. Thanks everyone again for your inputs!