what is the best speaker for a flea power amp

I have been looking for a speaker for under 2 grand that will work for a 5 watt per channel single ended amplifier.
My room is 14'wide x 23' deep with 8' height, and I listen to mostly acoustic blues at moderate levels. Please help me!!
Cabasse speakers are very efficient and so are the Klispch speakers even te CORNWALLS which are huge sized speakers with 100+DB efficiency,a little 5 watt amp like yours makes them roar.Cheers
Not certain what you want as a speaker is a personal choice. Very important to have effecient speaker with fairly flat impedence curve for a SET. There is a nice list of effecient speakers and a nice short discussion of what is important at www.welbornelabs.com/recomendspeaks.htm

Also there are lots more tube people at audioasylum.com in the eff. speaker forum. Ask there too.

Check out www.melhuish.org for interesting ideas about single driver speakers for SETS.

Hope this helps.

Sincerely, I remain
Careful, I had a 3 watt 2A3 amp and tried it on Klipsch La Scalas. It could not move that big 15" woofer. Sounded like a big transistor radio. I'd stick to something with a smaller driver like the Lowthers or the Moth Audio Cicada.
Klipsch will work well.Try some La Scala's.WAF Factoe 0 but they sound good.
Tell her to evaluate them with her ears not her eyes.