Electrostats Shootout at 4000 Corral

from the latest electrostat technology the gunslingers are from kansas the legendary MARTIN LOGAN with the ASSENT($4000) from utah SOUND LABS with their handsome DYNOSTAT($3900) and from georgia INNERSOUND with EROS PASSIVE($4000) to make this as fair as possibile KRELL 300i amp($3000 new $1200 used) and for CDP hmmm take the NAD C540($600 NEW) i would prefer GASMAN'S recommendation the powerful INNERSOUND ESL amp($3000 new) gives 300 watts into 8 ohms 600 into 4 and 1000 into 2. for cdp i would prefer the new GRANITE 657 TUBE CDP($2500). i have seen MARTIN LOGAN shoot, BEAUTIFUL! no dealers in new orleans for INNERSOUND or SOUND LABS , guess have to drive to houston or atlanta to hear these guys. you know it seems the shootout is not between these 3, its more like these 3 against the HUNDREDS of box LOUDspeakers(WITH THE WILSONS leading the pack and the MAGEPLANNARS are in the pack as well. sorry maggie devotes i'VE HEARD THE MAGGIE 1.6 with CALIFORNIA LABS CDP and a NAD amp as well with a ROGUE amp ,not impressed. so its a question of which of the 3 electrostat can knock off the most boxed LOUD speakers. tweekerman
Travis have you heard the Quad 988($5000) or the expensive 989($9000) as compared to the eros . Plato emailed to say ""i guess great dynamic capibilities does not rate as highly on your own list of priorities" nicely said.(talking about that cabinet speakers vs. esl) so yea i can make the sacrifice on low end for what i get in mids and highs. can't touch the 989 even though it has the bass. Plato as well said to "stay away from the ML cls11z".i guess what i need to know as well is if the Innersound's are about the same efficiency as the Quad's988?
tweek, ya say:

"...so yea i can make the sacrifice on low end for what i get in mids and highs..."

no sacrifices required - repeat after me: vmps rm40... vmps rm40... vmps rm40... ;~)

doug s.

Sedond alright! went to VMP's web, very interesting design the RIBBON MONITOR 1 ($1600 pr.) really looks like this might do the trick.the vmp RM1 has DUAL 8' SOLID GRAPHITE woofers AND a 10" PASSIVE RADIATOR (graphite as opposed to horrible sounding polyplastic sweet,sweet) really packs a punch on ALL the lower octaves!! WOW! very hard to resist buying the erosmk11 or the quads 988. however the price of the vmp's $1600 (on the 40's i saw no info. so ?) as opposed to $6000 on the eros and $5000 on the quads , gives me a bunch more to spend on rest of system. and the 7' ribbon midrange + spiral ribbon tweeter, nice! ...VMP,RM1..VMP,RM1..VMP,RM1..VMP,.......thanks tweek
hey tweek, go to the harmonicdiscord site & check out vmps' forum there - brian's www is outta date, supposed to be updated any time. the latest rm1 & rm2 are better than what's shown on his site - improved ribbon midrange *and* tweet. the new midrange x-over is now something like 157hz instead of the 450hz as shown on the website.

and, no, the rm40 ain't there yet, which is why i posted the previous link to a foto of it from the ces. and a few folks who've purchased the rm40 (& the rm1 & 2) give their opinions on the speakers on the harmonicdiscord site...

if money is an issue, (when *isn't* it!) you can even save a few more bucks by getting the kits, w/or w/o cabinets, depending on your skills. if ya get the cabinets, then ya just have to install the hardware & solder up the wire. also, a few dealers have been known to haggle on price, and shipping *is* included in the price. this can be quite a savings, especially if ya went for the rm40's, which weigh in at 240lbs *each*! brian makes sure the cabinets are well-damped! ;~)

doug s.

Hi. For what it's worth, I've gone through my own odyssey in search of the right 'stat. I first heard one over 10 years ago, a small Maggie playing Dire Straits. The speed, clarity and depth hooked me from the first. Some of the higher end boxes can sound pretty good, but I must say I've never like Wilsons (even the expensive Maxx's) since they sound to me very dry and analytical and closed-in even with a broad variety of electronics). I've gone from a small set of Maggies to two different sets of the six panel Tympanies culminating in the IVa series. I loved them for 5 years or so but had a constant difficulty getting the bass panels properly located. But then I discovered Soundlabs, and have moved from the A3's to the Ultimate 2's. Every change I've made has been a definite step up. The Soundlabs seem much clearer with better timbre and better dynamics than the Maggies to my ears, but they do require even more juice. (Of course they are a lot more expensive too.) I was happy with Classe 15's with my Maggies, but my Ultimate 2's (which are less efficient than the A3's) require the power of Innersound's Electrostatic amp, although I heard in a friend's room how the Ultimate 1's could sound great with Wolcott's tube amp.