Best match electrostats for Jadis JA-30

I would like to switch from B&W 801's S3 to a electrostats. It is also part of my theater but 2CH is the main objective. What would match the JA-30's that would out
perform the 801's? Do not want a big foot print speaker, the smaller the better. Height is not a problem. Thanks for your input.
Congratulations! I know, uncalled for advice is a pain in the xyz, however... try to place them about 1/3 into the room along its longer side and then play with toe in. If the room is narrow, don't be afraid to go near the side walls, planars can be placed much closer to them than cone speakers. Leave power on at all times and give them some time to break in. I'm sure you'll love them and if all goes well, they should give you at least 10 years of trouble free operation. Happy listening!
Oops and thanks Rcprince, in a bout of Alzheimer I thought it was Tweekerman's thread and he had bought the 988s. Its Tateb's of course. So my apologies and thanks Rcprince for making me set things right. Regards,
Tateb since you have the best only the best speaker will do. so the quads don't fully do it for you with another amp. have you heard the quads on your amp? if not the quad988 then you might want to call Daryl at digital systems in austin tx. 512-335-6019, Daryl is a distributor for a australian speaker, has a full ribbon with a woofer. he likes them better than quads , he sells kora amps. and as you know kora is second best only to the jadis. go ahead and bragg about your jadis, do they channel the music as close to live as possible?