Aerial Speakers for Music and HT

Any opinions on Aerial speakers in general? Also would like to know which model is the best value....I am seriously thinking of revamping my system and could use the help..Thanks T
Other than agreeing with the majority of respondents here, the only thing I'd add is that apart from the larger financial commitment to a minimal-compromises combined vs separate 2ch system, the major reasons for their separation is the different seating/placement/room treatment issues you would want to optimize both. But in my opinion and experience, a system that can handle music well can also handle movies with aplomb.
A good compromise. The Sonic Frontiers Line series preamps have a 'SSP bypass' mode. With this, you can have a first class stereo only system, and a HT system in the same room using the same front speakers.
I can't help it. I have to point out that the reason so many expensive home theaters are so gimmicky and puerile is that people hire guys like Keriadmus to design them. I don't doubt for a second that 10,000 watts of class h power makes for great dinosaur stomps and rocket launches, but is that all you want from your HT? Does that convey even 1/10th the emotional timbre of the foreboding score of Jaws or the fatalism of the theme from The Godfather? Or the finger snaps in West Side Story? Or Stanley screaming "Stella" in Street Car Named Desire? When I watch pulp films like Godzilla, then M&K might be better, but when I watch Amadeus or Stop Making Sense or anything with emotional substance, I want my 10T's and Sim W-5's or Classe Omega's. Every time. When I puruse Audio Video Interiors, I am always amazed at the nice look, big budgets and almost universally crappy sound of these "professional" systems. I think the HT industry is headed the way of quadrophonic because long term these systems are boring. Venting over.
I've heard the whole line up and down the aerial list. My favorite was the 8b's. In fact, I'm now selling a pair here on Audiogon. I'm moving up to ATC 100's... The 8b's also LOOK the best of the entire line. I'm not a big fan of the 10T's unless you have big enough of the room for the woofer.