WANT tukans to do the disapearing thing???

hi all, another pain in the ass question!
i have a pair of linn tukans on atacama se24 stands about 2 feet from the back wall 7feet apart
no near walls either side!
i'm running a arcam/linn rig-sounds good!
i want the music to apear its coming from the room and not the speaker has anybody got any remedys/help,,,,
my room is 20 by 14 feet--i have no subwoofer at the moment
please dont tell me to turn the lights out or wear a blind fold.
Assume you've tried placing the Tukans closer together (5-6ft) and 3-4ft from woofer to back wall. Another matter is the amplification: which Linn is it (assuming it's a linn amp, arcam the cdp). Electronics usually help the disappearing act...

Lastly, speaker cables: if linn, you can do better in my experience (and not too expensive at that -- see OTA, et alia). A fast cable with open highs will do the trick.

Had a pair of active Tukans (&Klout) on loan for a few months. Nice tunes!
want 'em to disappear? send 'em to *my* house! ;~) seriously, try a tubed preamp, for starters. i assume the speakers are away from the side walls, &/or have sound absorption at the sidewalls' 1st reflection points to the listening position...

doug s.
DID you guys ''toe em in'' or leave the speakers straight,
thank you for your replys!
the rig is -pretek-powertek-arcam cdp-nordost inter's and linn speaker wire,

I would pull the speakers out from the front wall to 4 ft. As well, not all music material will enable to make your speakers disappear. For example, most audiophile stuff from Chesky when played on most speakers will make it sound as if music is not coming from the speaker if properly set up, but normal music is sometimes recorded so that it is panned hard left or right and the sound will emanate from the speaker and not "disappear".

Good luck!