Nuetrality be Damned...

I am looking for a WARM and MUSICAL speaker, that is more emotive than analytical. I want to be drawn into the music. If the speaker is capable of creating warmth, but is still considered a "hi-fi" speaker, I would very much like to know about it...Please Help. Some of the speakers that I have heard that might fit this bill are: Voce Divina, Swans, JM Reynaud, JM Labs...
Some good advice, if I may,Select all nuetral gear with the exception of your amps. Let your amps be your color(flavor). It's a lot easier to change an amp out in a hurry, than anthing else!
Harbeth Compact 7ES [$2500US], or if you want something larger than a monitor, the Harbeth M40 [$6000 US.] Thank me later. Really. Good luck, Charlie
Well. The Harbeths Charlie mentions are naturally warm and still considered "hifi" speakers, as requested above. But they are also accurate. My Compact 7's are only warmer than accurate because I have them too close to the wall behind them and fireplace between them. My discontinued Harbeth K6's, otoh, are really warm, perfect for a cold wet day.
The higher-end JM Labs are not warm but rather intensely accurate. As someone noted a few posts back, too accurate for some tastes.

For warm and musical I would agree with Anne: Sonus Faber.

Besides which, you get that gorgeous cabinetry.
You have to listen to Vienna Acoustics, any model. I will guarantee that even if you don't buy them they will be one of the finalist on your list,