Faced a similar dilema last year and auditioned models from Proac, Dunlavy, Joseph, Soliloquy, Thiel, B&W in that price range. I decided on the Dunlavy SM1 monitors (quite large for monitors) which struck me as having a favorable balance of the good aspects of other speakers. They are very easy to listen to over extended periods and to my ear do not over emphasize any particular freq. range. My second choice was the Proac 1SC which I liked quite a bit in spite of a what seemed like a somewhat exagerated punch in the upper mids.
One thing I did and would recommend: try to compare speakers on your own gear, even if you have to drag your amp. around town, which I did, at similar sound levels, and to the extent possible in the same or a similar environment. Hard to make valid comparisons in speakers performance without consideration of these factors.
Have fun!
One thing I did and would recommend: try to compare speakers on your own gear, even if you have to drag your amp. around town, which I did, at similar sound levels, and to the extent possible in the same or a similar environment. Hard to make valid comparisons in speakers performance without consideration of these factors.
Have fun!