Suggestions for econo system

Trying to put together an economical system for a friend with as much bang for the buck as possible, based around Maggie MMG's. Room is 22x14x8. Would prefer receiver/integrated amp and single box cdp. Total price $1500 or less ( I said economical) with the Maggies $550. Considering NAD C-350 int. amp and various cdp's. Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks, Mark
The NAD 370 is superb and available for $549 at Last I looked they had a demo for $489 For a cd player no question about it the best in that range or even twice that is the new Music Hall mm 25 for $600 list, email who is a great dealer for that product.

This is going to be a great system !
A third on the NAD C370. The C350 just doesn't have enough juice to make the Maggies sing.
Appreciate the comments. I've scanned the Planer Asylum and noted comments of some MMG owners driving them with the 340 with specific comments re no lack of dynamics and power. The 350 has 10W more than the older 340, and is cheaper than the 370, ergo my initial interest in it as opposed to the 370. Any experience contrary to the above comments?