Bummer Dude! Sean has to quiet down the class with serious stuff. what's with the :) thing, you don't really smile do ya? Do you loosen up your bolo tie once in a while and get wild? Toss the pen protector across the room? O.K. Sean, just some good natured ribbin'. Perhaps I will design and market an amp and name it "Sam" so the next version can be named "Son of Sam" and see if it is well received.I can see it now........... The reviewers said it was "killer" sounding hooked to the "Hellter Skellter" speakers(featuring the Jeffrey Daumer cryogenic hook up wire), with the Nazi SS(soild state)pre amp. These could be VERY exclusive items and I might advertise on the back of "Cereal" boxes.
My appologies to Kevin who I am sure is serious about his product but must understand the funnin'. your turn Rcprince
My appologies to Kevin who I am sure is serious about his product but must understand the funnin'. your turn Rcprince