Bass/Room probelm

I have theil 2.2s that are place four feet out from the back wall (all glass) and 3 feet in from each side wall in an L shaped room that is roughly 24 ft by 22 ft with a 11 ft by 11 ft inset in one corner. Using a radio shack spl and stereophile test cd (vol 1)my bass response measures (and sounds)10db higher than normal at 31 hz and 10 db lower than normal at 64 hz and is otherwise pretty flat from 20 hz to 150 hz. What is going on? Is there anything I can do to address this with speaker placement/ room treatment etc?


Hi Greg,

I own a pair of 2.3 s, and was experiencing bass problems with my 12 x 15 listening room. I have had good luck with floor to ceiling Jon Risch’s DIY Bass Traps. I have also been corresponding with ASC and Garfish(Agon) on their new Planar Trap for sidewall reflections.

I currently have my Thiels 46” off the rear wall and 31” from the side 5’ 6” between the speakers. Listening position is 3ft behind the nearfield listing position. For my room this is the most natural sounding location.

Hope this helps.

Sean's advice is excellent. You could try the CARA software as well. It's very helpful at speaker and listener positions. As Sean said, it is doubtful you will solve the problem, but you should be able to reduce the problem to some degree. Everest's book describes some more elaborate bass attenuating devices (such as Helmholtz resonators). They can be difficult to build, but can be very effective, when you have a very specific peak as you do.
Great advice on this thread. I've had good luck with ASC quarter round bass traps in the two corners on the speaker wall. Unfortunately, you don't see them used very often on Agon.
You can make an end run around all room interface problems with the Tact RCS 2.0. It will correct time as well as frequency anomalies It's a great pre-amp as well!
I agree, excellent post Sean. An exception to most speakers that don't take in-room response into account are the Vand. 5s-- which have in room adjustable bass from 20 HZ to 125 HZ. The V5 system is very effective. However, I still use ASC tube traps and Panel traps to provide a damping affect in the soundfield. Good Luck. Craig