I really appreciate everybody's advice. I have to clarify that I'm not currently looking to buy a pair of huge speakers - my room wouldn't allow for it, my finances wouldn't appreciate it. I read a lot of reviews of speakers, and comments on forums such as this, about speakers in the mega-cost / mega-size range and, recently when I was reading one, I got to wondering how somebody goes about evaluating them. They're tough to find at a dealer unless you live in a big city, and they're tough to move around. You can't really buy a pair and just hope they work out, the way you might with monitors. And, given their expense, you want to do your homework and find the right answer.
Audiokinesis - I really appreciate all your feedback. You and the others who suggest both the shows as well as plane tickets to go to the speakers seem to be right on - I really hadn't thought about the fact that some cheap airfares are small in comparison to the purchase price. Going to the shows probably gives you a good overview and helps you narrow your possibles down, and going to dealers (even in another state if need be) allows for auditioning.
Also, Audiokinesis, even though you've probably lost Natalie as customer, I'd work with you on a purchase in a heartbeat - some of the best, most practical advice I've ever gotten from a dealer. Thanks. -Kirk