Speakers around 20k

Since Jan02, I have listened four speakers around 20k (+/- 5k) mark. Here is my (very) subjective ranking :

1. Snell XA reference
2. Revel Salon
3. B&W 800N
4. Amati Homage

The amps were Brystone 3B-ST (Snell), ML335 (Revel & Amati), Burmester ?? (B&W).

The best room (IMHO) was Amati, worst: the Snell (!).

I think anyone shopping in this price range HAS to listen to Snell.

Drawbacks of the Snell? They are BIIIIIG !!!!!
Ikarus -

Thanks for your post - if I may ask, what was it about the Snell that separated it from the pack? Was it better timbre (natural sound & texture of voices & instruments), articulation (where you can easily pick out and follow a single voice or instrument), soundstaging, bass, dynamics, coherence, freedom from boxiness, or something else?

I fell in love with the Snell Type A's many years ago, but then the company seemed to go in a more mass-market direction, and frankly I haven't heard a Snell speaker in years. Since I have some familiarity with some of the other speakers you auditioned, I'd be quite interested in finding out what, in particular, made the new Snell stand out to you.

Best of luck to you in your quest!
Audiokinesis: I have difficulty putting into words what seperated Snell from the pack.

I guess I can say it is the totality of presentation. I have listened, among others, to solo voice (Rebecca Pidgeon - Spanish Harlem), got goose bumps. To Matheny & Haden, discovered how far down an acoustic bass can go; heard how fast & articulate it can be.

I listened to orchestral work and could pin-point location of groups of instruments in total coherance.

I could move around the room without any loss of imaging or detail.

... Music, Snell and me - I'm happy.

(Adsal, do you recognize the poem ?)

Audiokinesis, I read your postings re Soundlab U1/A1/M1. Do you know where I can listen to them in NYC or CT ? Soundlab did not return my e-mail.

One last word about the dealers. I have read some postings here complaining about the 'arrogance' of dealers. Auditioning these four speakers was a delightful experience. ALL dealers were very plesant and helpful. One even opened his shop just for me (never bought anything from him up to now) on a Sunday, others just showed the equipment and left me alone to listen - never interrupting and/or pushing one or the other equipment. I want to thank them all.
That's great what you said about dealers but I wonder if you could go back again without buying anything
Try Legacy's Focus (only $6,000), however, to my ears they are as good as 2, 3, and 4 listed above and you save $14,000 for that reference amp and preamp you will need to drive these beauties!