revel F50's -- talk me out of buying them

I'm about to purchase a pair of Revel F50's. I have Bryston 7B-ST's, a Rogue 99 preamp and a Meridian 508-24. I listen to just about everything and my room is medium sized (15x20 approx).

Is there another speaker I should buy? I've heard the Revels twice and both times I found them to be very competent and non-fatiguing across the board. Not the last word in excitement during auditions, but I assume that will mean that I won't get tired or annoyed by any quirks.

Before I plunk down the big bucks next week (I know they are not expensive to some of you, but they are to me) I want to see if any of you can talk me out of the purchase. Give it your best.


Great speakers, but I would listen to Talon Ravens before you commit. A little less expensive than the Revels. Amazing sound, very fast, gives you a bigger soundstage than the Revels do.
I'd buy some used Dunlavy SC-IV-A speakers. Bass all the way down to 20hz and you could get them for half of the cost of the Revels if you buy used.
My friend just got the Revel M-20's and they sound great, and he's driving them with a B&K 305 receiver. Very smooth, detailed, and terrific range for a monitor.
But, I just heard the Epos M-12's at Hollywood Sound. I think they were being driven by Rogue pre and amp. Incredible range and presence, very lifelike, and they list for $895. If you're cost conscious, and can find any way to hear them, they're definitely worth considering.
Oh, that's easy - don't buy them. Seriously, talking you out of purchacing the F50 is like telling someone in an icecream store that rum raisin is superior to rocky road. In other words, it's all a matter of taste and preference. One man's pleasure is another man's poison. One thing is for shure; don't choose your loudspeaker based on the slope of the crossover. I personally have purchased many items from Audiogon, but would never by used speakers. I like Dunlavy speakers, but hey, that's me (I also like chocolate icecream). I find the revels boring, uninvolving and not worth the money. Listen carefully and buy what you have a taste for - cheers!