Rogue owners what speakers do you like?

What Rogue equipment do you own and how do you like your speakers?


What is the best sounding Rogue Audio setup you have heard and what speakers and components were being used?
Phil- I am not a fan of Rogue gear(not getting into it again, just the way I feel), but Merlin VSM-ME speakers sound great with those amps, and have plenty of dynamics. Worth listening too, you can get them in cool colors too :)
I have a 99 feeding a Pass Aleph-3 via 1.5 m of Harmonic Tech.Pro-Silway MK 2'sMe speaks are Paradigm Studio 80's 92dBThis rig throws a HUGE and very transparent stage.My Rega P-25 and Rega Planet have been de-throwned by a Mcintosh MR-74 tuner....yeah,go FM!!
M-120 Magnums driving VSR VR-4's; excellent soundstage/imaging. Nice detail. Very well controlled bass.
Plenty of volume, too.

Rouge and Coincident make a good match.
Both products where reped by same dealer in Toronto.I have heard that the combo allways made nice music at shows.Very nice combo on Vinyl.