Help identify/find this non-US spkr manufacturer?

Hi All,
Do you know a non-USA manufacturer of factory-direct loudspeakers? I believe they are either UK or European based. They sell completely finished (not DIY) Loudspeakers. They have an order page on which you can specify THREE different levels of quality for the drivers (good, better, best). If you know who this manufacturer is, please let me know here?
Thanks and happy listening!
Are you referring to AV Reality, top of the line has the Revelator tweeters, can't go better than that except the Diamond tweeters.
Thanks Extreme, but AV Reality is NoT the mfgr I'm looking for. The company I'm talking about gives the customer THREE different quality choices of drivers AND crossovers. I've been on their website before but lost their URL. I want to find them again. Anybody else know who they might be?
Thanks and happy listening!
Thanks Tripper and Stereo but neither of those are it either. The company I'm trying to find makes FINISHED speakers - NOT kits.
Also, Right on the ORDER Page, you can specify what level of quality you want for both the DRIVERS and the X-OVER. Anybody else know & can help identify them?
I DO know that they are either UK or European.
Thanks again!