Legacy Focus...why??

I have Paradigm Reference Studio 100 but I like the Legacy Focus's although I never heard them..Would it be an uprgade from Paradigm to Focus??The price difference is a lot as well..Is the Focus worth for 6000 $?If Focus is better than Paradigm then why??All suggestions are wellcome.....
The Paradigm is a quality speaker for its price range. To do better the Focus would definitely be in another league. It is clear , dynamic and plays deep. Its efficiency makes it compatible with many amps with various power levels. I owned the Whisper and my friend owned the Focus. The Whisper at twice the price was indeed IMHO better. The 6k price tag is steep and you can do better for less. My friend and I both now own the VMPS RM 40 which can outdo both the Whisper and Focus in balance of sound and overall imagery and depth. it retails for 4600 and can be gotten at discount new for less. The Paradigm as nice sounding as it is cannot begin to go where all of these go. I would not spend the 6k on Focus. Go to audioreview.com for more opinions .
I'm curious, how do you know you like the Legacy Focus if you've never heard it?
I have listened thoroughly to the Focus and quite honestly
found it to be an incredibly bad speaker ( especialy for the money). There are some real champs out there such as the
Dunlavys,Martin Logans, Quads ...It just makes me wonder
why anyone in their right mind would buy a Legacy product.
Who in the high end is really in their right mind - I mean 4k-12k for speakers - Please - you call that in the right mind no matter what brand. I have owned Quad 989, Martin Logan Odyssey, Legacy Whispers, Eggleston Andras, and VMPS RM 40's. No matter how you look at it I am not in my right mind and neither is anyone else who spends that kind of money on anything except cancer research so Brauser forget that comment and add maybe more out of their mind. Focus is used in some studios for recording (most in modified versions) and the company treated me just fine. i still have a pair of Studio Monitors which are one the best small monitors I have ever heard. I still would not spend 6k on Focus in amy mind set.