Day amp arrives Cashier check returned

Today an amp I shipped across the country arrived safely at it's destination. Oddly enogh while I was at the bank today I was informed that a rather large cashier's check did not clear.

I called the guy up and he answered the phone (good sign) He say's he does not understand what could have happened and will check in to it first thing in the mourning.

My bank say's he may have stopped payment on the cashiers check. They could not give me any other details. Just that I would be recieving the check back in the mail in a few day's

Does this kind of stuff ever turn out good? Or am I screwed?

I will follow up tomorrow.
Greetings Glen, I sold a pair of cables here on Audiogon once and I received a cashiers check for $450. I went to my bank, Bank of *merica and the cashiers check was also from Bof* and they said there is a stop payment on the check but did not know why. They said to come back Monday. This was on a Saturday. I returned the following Monday and they said the reason a stop payment was placed was because California, where I live, does not have a computer link to Texas, where the cashiers check was from. The Texas branch was already closed due to the time differential and they could not call. They cashed it after calling the issueing branch on Monday. Keep us posted. Good luck!
I always pay and receive large payments by wire transfer. Past the close of business and excepting bank error, there are no reversals.

True freedom is having no other choice. When the money's sent, it's gone.

Good luck, I still believe this should be a dispute resolution with both parties named.

Bill E.
Glen: Sounds like a bank screwup to me and hope all works out for both of you. We bank with Washington Mutual in CA and trust me the EE's @ my branch are clueless (including the manager). I worked for a large clearings bank and the Federal Reserve in my youth and know a great deal more about the business than our branch manager (and I was just a kid then). Many banks "farm" out so much of the processing now that the EE's do not even have a basic understanding of how the system works.
I got a call from the branch manager of the buyers bank this mourning. She went out of her way to track down this check. She made a photo copy of both sides. Guess what? I forgot to sign the back.

My thoughts at this time are that my bank stinks. They couldn't tell me this three day's ago? Instead they give me the run around, nobody knows nothing. Every person I talked to told me something different.

The last idiot I talked to said they were going to stick it in an envelope, put a stamp on it and send it back to me.

How nice!

Strip the money from my account without warning me or without any explination. Then mail a pretty big chunk of change back to me non-certified mail. Think twice before signing up at Washington Mutual. These people don't have a clue how to treat their customers.

Imagine if this were an international transaction for three times the amount. :^(

Never say it can't happen to me because for me it just did.

I'll keep this thread going till the deal is complete.

Right now I'm waiting a few days on the mail.