I am considering the Piega C-8 Limited or the P10.

I do not have a dealer in this area, and have not heard them. However, from what I have read, this speaker is definetly on my list of candidates.

I want a speaker that:
1) I can listen to anything from jazz to rock
2) Will take me off the upgrade my speakers every two years merry-go-round

Anyone who has had experience with this speaker (or perhaps the earlier Piega P10) and would like to share their thoughts with me would be greatly appreciated.

Other candidates in my speaker search are:
Von Schweikert VR-4 Gen III SE
Pro Ac Response 3.8
Wilson Sophia
Silverline LaFolia
Coincident Technologies Total Eclipse

In advance, thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing back some thoughts from my fellow Audiogon members.

The P-10 was a great speaker but its no longer in production. I don't think buying a speaker that isn't made any more will get you off the merry-go-round. Some people seem to love this speaker some do not- they complain about coherency and a shrilly hi end(due to improper integration of the ribbon, which is a VERY hard thing to do properly with a conventional speaker), then again the price they are going for used does make them appealing!

I am doing the exact same thing. Read all of the reviews, and I am now going out to hear the ones I can but in my case all of these will probably better my B&W matrix 803s to some degree. You need to tells us more about your system SS or tubes, room size (this is very important in my system), volume level you like to listen at, etc. What do you feel you are missing from your current speakers. Some of the speakers are better for tubes versus SS equipment, so matching comes into play. I spoke to each manufacturer and asked a list of specific questions which was very helpful. For example, I own Pass Labs equipment and the La Folias are voiced with Pass Labs, the Coincidents are probably not even though I think you can get them in a 6 Ohm version, but after reading the reviews of the Totals, I was really interested in them for their ability to play very loud plus the total sound that was described by each review.

Asking a general question is OK but you need to go into more deals and call each manufacturer.

Happy Listening.

I knew the question was 'general' in nature. My current system consists of an Audio Aero MkII CDP directly into a new Innersound power amp (300 watts into 8 / 600 into 4), that is driving a pair of Magnepan 3.6R's. I use a REL Storm III sub for the bottom end. All cabling is the new (and absolute killer, IMO) CRL 'Gold' series. My room is 15x19.

The maggies are fabulous speakers as long as you don't listen to anything with alot of bottom end or alot of dynamic swings, or anything with peaks of 85-90db. Everything else about them is good. So, I'm looking for something that I can listen to at higher levels... around 90db (or even greater when the mood dictates) without worrying that I'm going to blow them up! As I said, I want to be able to listen to everything from jazz to rock and roll. You simply can't do it with the maggies.

As far as amplification goes, I plan on purchasing an amp after I purchase the speakers that I like. In addition to the Innersound that I now have, I also own a Mark Levinson 334. Both SS, but I enjoy the virtues of tubes as well (I'm not one to get hung up on one is better than the other). That's why I plan on finding the right amp, after I find the right speakler system. If one of the two that I currently own works well, then so be it. If not, I'll find one that does.
I recently traded in my P-10's for the C-8ltd. As far as coherency, I found that to be a real strength of the P-10.
I did find the highs to be bright especially on a bad recording. These are extremely revealing speakers.
The C-8ltd is quite a bit more refined than the P-10,s.
They don't have the deep bass response, but in my room - 15x21 - they feel like a better fit. The top end is quite a bit smoother. I have been running them with tubes - first with the EAR 534, and currently with the CAT JL2 - which I feel is the best amp I have ever heard. Current preamp is the Hovland HP-100.
Good Luck