Babyproofing Stand-mounted speakers

I love my monitor speakers (Revel M20s), but have an issue... they are so top-heavy on the stands that a one year old could pull them over. Problem is, I'll have a one year old in just a couple of more months. Wife says (and I can't say I disagree) that they will have to go back against the wall and be strapped there unless I can come up with a solution. You all know how good they will sound against the wall... yuck!

I thought I appeal to the collective wisdom of Audiogon and ask if anybody has experience in ways to prevent standmounted speakers from tipping over. I've thought about bolting them to the floor, but the hardwood floors wouldn't thank me.

Dont use lead, it is toxic.
Especially around children!!!!
Hello...anybody home???
There are many alternatives....sand being a good one. Vader
I think Shutterbug is right. You can also attache the speakers to the stands. Blue tack will work okay, or you can use something more substantial like 3M double sided tape (the thick stuff--not the transparent stuff). Keep in mind the 1 year old will probably be more interested in your speaker cables than anything else. As to the Lead issue, someone needs to explain to me how lead inside a sealed enclosure is going to have potential toxicity problems. Don't fill it around your child and be sure to clean up very well. You could get lucky--I have a 2 year old and speakers on stands with Cary tube mono blocks under them. I have told him they aren't a toy and not to play with them--and there's never been a problem. One of the keys is making sure they have things in the vacinity that they are interested in--it makes your speakers much less of a target (and change the toys around a lot in terms of location--it makes them seem new--like they've re-discovered something). --sorry got off track--this is an audio forum.
Excellent proposition regarding the toys!!!!
This is an audio forum but we have houses, wives, kids, less than perfect non dedicated rooms etc. i. e. real world.
As a matter of fact my living room doubles as music room and have a soon to be toddler in the house and my components are layed on the terrazzo floor actually I have large floor standers but was thinking about some kind of (aesthetic fence ?) to keep my kid outside trouble.
You might consider an audio rack with doors. The knobs are just way too much of a temptation.
Rives - If the lead were truly "sealed" inside of the stands, I would agree. Duct tape, on the other hand, is hardly a reasonable option. I'd rather risk a broken speaker or a physical injury than brain damage from a known toxic substance. I have 14 month old twins and a 4 year old and have used monitors almost exclusively since my first child was an infant. If you have heavy solid stands that can be filled (sand is nice and, too!) and have your speakers mounted (blu tack, screws, bolts, epoxy resin, whatever) they will be incredibly stable. I would recommend a pair of the Osiris stands that are being blown out by a couple of vendors here on AudiogoN. These are 42lbs each unfilled. Put some sand in them and you're up to about 65lbs. If you want more weight, you can buy some "Micro-Bearing" which is very fine steel pellets from Star Sound ( and make them even heavier. Also, these stands have enormous brass cone feet which aren't the greatest for piercing carpet, but would be absolutely perfect on hardwood floors. Finally, I agree with what others have said about setting boundaries for your children and using the art of distraction to minimize temptations.