Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
my comments were exactly that:
macrodynamics: impact and the ability to play LOUD (or to a lesser extent, the transition from soft to loud effortlessly), which stat's cannot.
microdynamics: the ability to hold a note into the black recesses...really, its all decay. stats do it better than anything...great boxes meet the standard stats set.

bass: stats dont do bass worth a damn. yeah, they "do" full range, and its about the equivalent of internet porn to real sex. there's no impact. get some good subs under 100hz if you're running stats. (i realize i'm saying this having just put my entecs for sale earlier today, but i'd have said it regardless).

dont take my word for it. talk to those who own stats. quads, ML CLS2zs, etc. all the serious guys end up getting subs.
Dennis- I agree with those who have stated that there is a fundamental difference on how the two produce sound. I've not heard any box speaker that "sounds like" an esl. However, that doesn't mean that box speakers can't be equally outstanding, but in different areas. I've owned esl speakers (ML CLSII, Monoliths, Audiostatics) for many years. I enjoyed them immensely, especially when you find the right amplification. For me, that meant tubes - OTL amps and their attendent headaches and peculiarities.

I found a box speaker in which I'm equally impressed, but with different sonic strengths. I'll always miss certain aspects of the best esl sound. However, if I switched back to esls, I'm quite sure that I would miss some of the things my Venture speakers do so well.

After a time, "the grass is always greener" syndrome is bound to kick in. The desire to re-experience the joys of esls will likely pull on me again. However, I lived with esls for 15 years. I've only had the Ventures for about 4 years. I owe them a little more time, at least;-)

Rhyno- Quads and CLSIIzs are examples of "restricted" full range esls, I'm sure you'd agree. The full range (multi-panel) Audiostatics could produce excellent bass down to a little below 30Hz in-room response, and play quite loud when required. I'm sure there are other brands that will perform similarly. I do tend to agree with your generalizations, but remember, there are always exceptions.

As always, just one man's opinion. Enjoy!
Tekunda, any info available in English for the Imagine ESL line? I'm interested in learning more, but cannot read German! Their website offers an English option, but it only works for the Headine 6-9 models. Thanks!
Thanks, Rhyno, for explaining what you meant. I agree with you that ESLs alone don't have the bass, but I have found the Innersound Hybrids do it perfectly matched. The timing is right on and seamless.
Newform Research R645 ribbon hybrids go down to 32Hz with seemless bass integration and oh so effortlessly (they're 91dB efficient). For $2,265 delivered to your door, it's a tough deal to beat. They look like big black goalposts, but sound fabulous with the lights out!