Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
I do like Vandies...and they are very open sounding...however...they do lack the speed of ELSs and even other conventional designs in their price range...but this is highly comes down to what music you enjoy and what trade-offs u can live with....if I ever graduate to a bigger room..the Vandies will be on my short list...
You should listen to the Von Schweikert VR-1. Their top end is precise and crisp without sounding tinny and the base is full and lively. It also has a great and deep soundstage. To me they sound like the best electrostatics without having to get a sub.
I took my Spica TC-50s to my "local" Quad dealer and listened to the Quad 12L, the Spicas and the 988 (all thru Quad electronics, with a sub). To me the 12Ls were very impressive and in some ways better (e.g. smoother) than the Spicas, but the Spicas were closer in personality to the 988.
Just a note to say I prefer paper cone boxes to Electrostats. I am a classical musician, and I think they sound more realistic. The metallic sound of Electrostats somehow don't capture the full scope of musical expressions.
I like old big 15inch Tannoys, not because it sounds like electrostats, but cuz they don't. Just a note incase someone wanted to get into classical music, I think boxes will lead you there quicker.
interesting comments gonglee...i'm a classical music fan and that's exactly the reason i went to electrostats...well, i can tell that you probably never heard Innersound electrostats with classical music...there is no metallic sound and the chamber music or piano/violin solos are absolutely thing though...the Innersounds, due to their narrow sweet spot, can not do justice to full scale Mahler, but i can live with that...