Coincident's "Victory" spk:beautiful, but... sound??

Coincident Technology's new "Victory" speaker has a beautiful cabinet and sports an impressive ribbon tweeter. But,does it perform like a high-end speaker costing nearly $4600?? I have read some reviews that claim the highs and mids are marvelous, but the low end is disappointing and rolls off sharply at 40 hz. Therefore, need some quality feedback on this model from anyone who has heard or owned this speaker system. Many thanks to all, SJ
Clifford is correct. I owned the Victorys. They are a wonderful speaker, and can have enough bass response in a smaller room for most people. But they do need an amp with a warmer midrange. They are very neutral and were voiced using Coincident's own 300B based amps, which do have some warmth in the mids. Read the review done by Scot Markwell on Coincident's website. By the way, one of the absolute best amps I used with the Victorys was a 12W Audion Sterling with NOS Seimans EL34s. I picked it up used for $600., installed the NOS tubes, and was blown away by the result. Yes, this amp didn't help the bass shy Victorys in that department, but they didn't seem to be lacking either when driven by the Audion. What is even more amazing is that I bought this amp after using a Zanden M7000 845 amp ($15,000 retail). I actually preferred the Audion, not because it was a better amp, but it just worked better with the Victorys. I now have Total Eclipses driven by a Wyetech Topaz. I have driven the Total Eclipses with the Audion, and am still amazed. If you get Victorys, you need to try this combination.
Any more thoughts on the Victory loudspeakers ? I am very interested in them also. Thanks.
If I was a reviewer for Stereophile, I'd give them an "A". Although there are probably some frequency anomalies that test instruments would show.
Not sure if it's the SET amp that gives this speaker a lot of it's magic. Sound is sort of lean but I did not think bright. Very fast speaker and that makes it loose some weight to it's sound.
I would like to hear Triangle Celius and this Victoryu in the same room as I think the sound may be similar except the Victory does not have the bright Triangle tweeter.