Fish'in for Speakers

I'm sitting in my den on a rainy day,thinking about smaller speakers.The room size is 12x12x8. The walls are pine wood with 4 windows.Krell KSA-100 mk-ll amp, ARC Sp 9-mkll preamp,CD and TT sources, and Bigggg Mirage M1 speakers-really to big for this room,IMO.In your opinion, what speakers should I take a look at?Thanks for your help!!!!
Three small floorstanders that should work in a small room that I have heard and like:

Audio Physic Spark III
Thiel 1.5
Proac 1.5

I'm curious to see what others recommend since I'm kinda lookin too.
Check out the Triangle Zerius. Amazing $1100.00 pair of speakers. 90% of the Class A rated Celius for 55% of the price. 92Db and easy load for tubes or SS amps as well. Wally
If you can place them 20"-24" from the front wall and 30" from the side walls I would look into the Silverline SR-17's (they would also require sturdy 28" stands). These are still my favorite stand mount monitor to date and they do sound best with high current feeding them.

In such a small/square room I would avoid floorstanders as you will not want the bass driver (unless it's adjustable as with a sub) close to the floor.

For less money maybe try the little Spendor 3/5's (think that they are around $1K) or the Reynaud Twins, again you will need to budget for quality stands. I think that efficiency wise the Spendors might work better with the Krell as the Twins run mainly @ 1 watt (or less) in a small area.

That said, with such a room I would trade the Krell for a nice SET power amp and then base the speaker selection on this addition. You only need a few watts in this room (with reasonably efficient speakers) and this is where a decent SET shows its stuff.