Non fatigueing speaker under 1500

I'm looking to purchase a non fatigueing speaker under $1500. I'm very sensitive to hardness and glare. I'm searching for a set up I can listen to for hours without draining me.

System is Aragon 4004 mkII fed directly by a Theta Miles. Speaker cables are Sumiko OCOS and interconnects are MIT PC Squared. Electronics are plugged into a Tice Power Block.
Room has little furniture and hardwood floors.

Under consideration are:
Vandersteen 2CE Sigs
Meadowlark Swift

Thanks - Jack
2CE Sig's with tubes. I am always amazed at how good the Vandy's are when properly driven. Even the little ones sound so much better than I expect even driven by modest gear. Otherwise, look at ML CLS's or Quads (57's or 63's). Dollar for dollar the Vandy's represent excetional overall sound and amazing value. BTW, I do not own them. They would, however, be on my short list if I were to stray from my large, hard to power esl system.
Gooddomino - when you say "jam" does that mean you like to listen with the volume up? Music does sound better loud, that's for sure.
Those are some quality speakers that you had/have.

You should give Pat Mcginty a call at Meadowlark. He just starting shipping the new Osprey. Ask him what's next. He has to be introducing a new speaker priced somewhere between the Swift and Osprey, so you may find yest another option. He's on a roll!
Here, I'll say it - the Aragon is an arc-welder: brittle, glare, etc. If you don't like fatiguing components, gooddomino, you might be going a little crazy by now. So, dump the Aragon, pronto, get a nice integrated tube amp - my recomm is the VTL 85 - mate it with the ProAc 1SC's with decent wire (look at the Coincident stuff), stick a good PC on the amp and CD player (Virtual Dynamics on CD/ Custom Power Cord Co. on amp) and save for the ProAc 2.5's used at @ $1800 or less.
Cellorover - Meadowlark is coming out with a Kestral II. Might be more to my liking.
