Bright room, help

I'm relatively new to high end and need some help.

I have my set up in a vaulted living room with hardwood floors and lots of sheetrock (damn those parallel walls!). Not a lot of furniture and what I do have is leather. I need some simple inexpensive ideas to warm the room up a bit, without detracting from the decor. It's very bright and brings on fatigue sooner than I'd like.

Any ideas Audiogonners???


Thanks Natalie! I thought that might be the case. Any recommendations in the under $1,000 range?

One more thing. If I follow Natalie's advice and upgrade the CD player, should I also go with separates (transport and DAC) or spend my money on a single unit. Could I use my Denon as a transport and just upgrade the DAC?

Remember, some of this is rather new to me.

THanks for your help!

Steve, I think separates are a waste of money. A top notch tweaked CDP should beat a dual box setup. But they are always many ways to attack a problem and achieve the same results.
Yes, treat the sidewalls and floor first, and REGARDLESS of what you buy, but then run out and buy a decent front end!
Cheap: NAD C541i at $400-500.
Mid: Warm: Rega Planet 2000; Lean: Nait CD5; Neutral: ARCAM FMJ
$$: Electrocompaniet EMC0-1 MkII (like mine...GREAT!)
$$$: Audio Aero Capitole seems to be a favorite around here.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the help everyone. I just purchased the Ah! Njoe Tjoeb. And I'm also continuing to work on the room enhancements. I've put down a couple rugs and some stuff on the walls and already the sound is getting better.

