Bright room, help

I'm relatively new to high end and need some help.

I have my set up in a vaulted living room with hardwood floors and lots of sheetrock (damn those parallel walls!). Not a lot of furniture and what I do have is leather. I need some simple inexpensive ideas to warm the room up a bit, without detracting from the decor. It's very bright and brings on fatigue sooner than I'd like.

Any ideas Audiogonners???


Wow! Thanks for all the ideas. I didn't expect such a good response. You've certainly given me some ideas to work with. I especially appreciate the DIY tips. Gonna look for some rugs to hang and to put under the speakers. Also going to check out some of the DIY guides like Jon Rish.

Since a couple of you asked about my gear, here's what I have.

Denon DCM 340 CD Player
Music Hall MM7 Turntable
Monolithic PS-1 Phono Stage
Audio Magic X Stream Interconnects
Manley Labs Stingray Integrated Amp
Analysis Plus Oval 9 Speaker Cables
Harbeth Compact 7ES Speakers

Clearly the CD is the wink link in my system. I've been thinking of upgrading it, but don't have the cash at this time. Does anyone have experience with the Taddeo Passive Antidote. Good Sound gave a pretty good review and it sounds like it could reduce some of the harshness. Any other suggestions on CD players would be helpful, as this likely to be my next significant purchase.

Any other ideas or suggestions?

Do not spend one cent on anything untill you get rid of the Player.
As i thought it is your problem and 10K on that room wont do what 500.00 in a new source will.

I can hear your Manley's crying from all the way over here.

You should invest 50% of what you spent on the Stingrays on a SOurce to do your great amps justice.

The amps are a lifetime purchase and make for a great foundation.

Good luck. Fix the source then work on the room.
Thanks Natalie! I thought that might be the case. Any recommendations in the under $1,000 range?

One more thing. If I follow Natalie's advice and upgrade the CD player, should I also go with separates (transport and DAC) or spend my money on a single unit. Could I use my Denon as a transport and just upgrade the DAC?

Remember, some of this is rather new to me.

THanks for your help!

Steve, I think separates are a waste of money. A top notch tweaked CDP should beat a dual box setup. But they are always many ways to attack a problem and achieve the same results.