Attention to detail

I'm looking at speakers in the 1000 dollar range. I want large amounts of detail. Currently I am auditioning the B&W DM 603 S3. What else should I listen to? Anyone have experience with the 603 S3? Amplification will be an Audio Refinement Complete integrated. Thanks.
My B&W dealer thinks the 603S3 is godawful! Pretty lumpy bass to me, too. The bargain here is the ungainly-shaped 602S3, by far. For $800 used I bought FAR more natural Spendor SP3/1p, though the B&W will play much louder, deeper, and brighter. Depends what you want. Just stay away from the universally-despised (I just toured Scotland, and ALL the B&W dealers raved about the 601 and 602, and hated the kidding!).
Maybe it works in your room, though, if the bass integrates in a weird way. Good luck.
The 602s3 is one of the best speakers for the money IMHO but the 603s3 isn't chopped liver! The new 603 (series 3 vs. series 2) has a much tighter defined bass and a more natural midrange than either of the previous incarnations. I think one reason mini monitors are preferred the UK is that the listening rooms are smaller than their US counterparts where the larger floorstanders work much better. My 2 cents.
For lots of clean, rich detail, you might want to look at speakers with unconventional tweeters such as ribbons, Heil drivers, and electrostats. There's a pair of Heil ATM-1 speakers listed here for $600. Note that they like to be out in front of the wall by several feet.