proac 2.5 vs 1sc/sub

just wondered if anyone has compared the 2.5s vs a 1sc/rel sub combination. i have some 2.5s that i love but may need to downsize to a smaller room and setup secondary to a baby issue...
I can't speak for the proac speakers, since I have heard neither. However I think the small stand mount plus sub combination can be very good for the smaller rooms, since it gives you much more flexibility in placing smaller speakers in the right place for imaging, and the subwoofer in the right place to load the room to create deep but not boomy or resonant bass. I use Spica angelus (a floorstander that sounds like a stand mount ... superb imaging and very thin bass) with a REL strata in a room that measures 10feetx12feet. I can get great imaging and great deep bass.

I also agree with other comments that perhaps the 2.5s would benefit from a good sub. Sure, I haven't heard the 2.5s, but it would take a mighty big main speaker to get into the 20 - 25 Hz region, and this region lends a lot of dynamics to the music, that I like, for orchestral and live blues recordings. I wouldn;t be surprised if most floorstanders wouldn't benefit from a sub, provided it was crossed low enough. RELs cross as low as 25 Hz, so you can partner with any speaker that does not go much below 35Hz, which is quite a lot of them.

AS I said I have no proac experience, but I am a sub convert ... I hope this info helps.
I own both ProAc Response 1SCs and Tab 50 Sigs and find them to be very satisfying in my small room with or without a sub. It really depends on the music being played at the time, but I sometimes leave the sub off.

I'm using an old NHT SW3P passive subwoofer controlled by a Paradigm X30 crossover and driven by a Bryston 4B amp. Not the most sophisticated set up, but even though I haven't invested the time to properly set it up I'm still quite pleased with the combination in my small room. I really like the flexibility of being able to independently place the monitors for good imaging and adjusting the subwoofer separately for bass response.

But I must admit that I'm a bit curious about building the ProAc 2.5 DIY clone project outlined at:
thanks for everyone's input...i'll probably end up keeping the 2.5s even though i have to move them to a smaller room. all the reviews that i have read on the 1 sc where wonderful and i thought downsizing might be a good choice--it would probably pointless by the time i purchase stands and the sub anyway..thanks again
Hi Locust ... I think you made a good decision ... every time you trade equipment you usually lose a bunch of money. If you ever get a convenient opportunity to home demo a good sub then I'd try it, even in a small room, even with the 2.5s. I can't say for sure you'll like it, but you might be surprised how much it can add, even in a small room, even with 2.5s. If you listen exclusively to chamber music or small scale jazz then I'd expect that a sub wouldn't make much difference, but with large orchestral and most rock/pop it can be quite surprising.
I have 2.5s and a REL Strata III subwoofer in an 11 x 13.5 room. I am running the REL off my amp and the speakers full range. I love it and would only consider ever changing speakers if amp changes made it necessary. I would only change the REL by ungrading to one of their larger models. It's a phenomenal pc of music making equipment. Actually, same thing for the ProAcs. I may be prejudiced but I think the 2.5 is a classic that we will be loving 10 yrs from now. I've had them over 5 yrs and still sit and admire 'em!