Need monitors with a BIG sound

Well, the better half just found out the size of the Vandy 2c's I purchased & is NOT pleased. Seeing how I can get rid of speakers easier than her I need to demo a few monitor sized speakers to see if I can find the same big sound in WAF speaker. The monitors can be pretty big but not as big as the Vandy's so a mini-monitor is probably out of the question. Right now I'm running a pair of B&W DM303's on loan from a friend. I'm not overly impressed with these at the moment b/c of the lack of bass in particular & veiled sound they offer. I listen to mostly live recordings of "rock & roll" (i.e. similar to the Grateful Dead) & like nice tight powerful bass with excelent imaging. I'll have a CJ MF2200 & DNA-1 to run the speakers with my CJ PV10AL pre-amp. My intent is to sell one of the amps after I settle on a speaker that will fit our smallish living room that is 14'X 16' X 7'. You guys haven't let me down yet so fire away.
I dont know what they are doing over the pond...but just how they produce such a full,rich,and very open sound from such a tiny speaker baffles me...go used...they are pricey with USA conversion...and you will need a sub for full range...but trust will sound huge..good luck....
Do yourself a favor and listen to the Audio Physic Spark.Most of the speakers mentioned above I have heard and they are good choices.But for a compact foolrstander they are thin and easy to move for critical listening yet sound fine a foot and a half off the wall as well.A great "Nearfield" speaker (that is pull 'em out in the room closer to your chair for "sessions" and they will really shine).Get excellent reviews like therer biggger brothers the Tempo and Virgo.Audition and my guess is if you can find a used pair and can swing $1500+ you'll buy.
You should give Tyler Acoustics Linbrook speakers a try. I have a pair and they sound awesome. Very tight and fast bass all the way to 35 Hz. Soundstage and imaging are excellent. Mine will play very loud without any distortion thanks to the outboard crossovers.
I can't believe no one mentioned the ProAc lineup--awesome for rock and roll. I still have a pair of RS2s that occupy my study (and sound great with tubes). If the ProAcs are a bit pricey, you might also listen to the Triangle speakers--French company. I bought a pair of the litte ones (can't remember the names) for my brother b/c I was so impressed by the sound/$ value (I think they clock in at around $600 new).