No image from Vandersteen 2ci sigs?

I'm new to the hobby & just put my system together with 2c's, a CJ MF2200 & a PV 10AL. I can't seem to get the speakers to image well in my room. The speakers are forced to be kiti-corner in the room fairly close to the side walls & rear walls (i.e. every side less than two feet away from the wall, more like 1 foot in spots) No matter where I place the speakers I just can't get a nice image or soundstage. The room does not allow many options for placement & I really have no other choice than place the speakers on the outer edges of the entertainment center. I really love the natural sound of the speakers but am missing the soundstage that I really desire. What can be done in this room?
The room is 14'x16'7' with a flat ceiling. The entertainment center is between the speakers. There is no other furniture in front of or around the speakers. One speaker is within 9 inches of a glass/wood french door. There is no possible way to have ANY speaker 3 feet from the glass/wood door in the room, unless you move the speakers closer together, they are 88 inches apart (center to center) & I sit 124 inches away from the speakers.
I had the 2ce's. I'm sorry to say it but I had to move to a different speaker.
That's exactly what I'm afraid of, I really like the sound but realize that may be my only choice.
Fishwater - The Vandies DO image well. The problem is the proximity of the speakers to the walls and if that entertainment center is in front of the plane of the speakers or even with, their sound is going to suffer.

I owned the 2c's for 10 years and when I moved I encountered a problem similar to yours in the new room. They never worked and I reluctantly gave up. Subsequent speakers never eliminated the room problem I suffered from and I ended up setting up in another room a few years ago.

In their original location(my previous home) they were out in the open and were wonderful, providing all the important elements of music reproduction including excellent staging and imaging but more importantly their full range performance and balance was totally satisfying.

Recommendations would be to get rid of the entertainment center and move the speakers out and closer together, if this is at all possible. A tall order but while you may get better imaging from another design, you will never get maximum staging with your current room configuration.