Which headphones should be purchased?

Which headphones are your favorites and why? What do they do well that others do not. I am looking for a pair of Headphones that I can take on a train or plane, so closed is probably the way I want to go. I have a pair of HD 600s and love them, but I can't use them in public. How are the Bose in comparison to others, I have heard great things, but not from audiophiles, thanks for your help.
I own several high-quality headphones, including a Sennheiser HD-600. A friend of mine let me hear his Bose noise-canceling phones. It was not a good test for sonic quality. We were using his music, his personal stereo and the test was quite brief, so based on that test I can say that I was not wowed by the fidelity or sonic quality, but the noise-canceling ability of the phones is quite remarkable. If I were making a choice for the application where you wish to use them, I would carefully audition the Etymotic's vs. the Bose. Ultimately, I think that the sonic quality of the Etymotic's will override the Bose which, at least in my poorly set-up listening test, did not come close to a high quality headphone.

I use the Etymotic 4P (higher output with slightly rolled off highs re 4S) for exactly the purpuse you describe. They're great and easy to pack!
I fly several times per year to London on American Airlines. They provide the Bose headphones in business class. I had considered buying a pair of my own for when I travel on my own dime, but I did as Joe-b suggested and checked out Head-Fi and Head-Wize. I ended up buying a portable Headroom amplifier and the Etymotic ER-4P's from Headroom {url=http://www.headphone.com/layout.php}Headroom{/url} several months ago.

I have compared the Bose directly with the Etymotics and the audio performance is significantly better with the Etymotics (an understatement!). They also do a good job of isolating outside noise. The Bose cans do a reasonable job of isolation, particularly the engine noise of a 777.

The Etymotics have received many favorable reviews and are frequently mentioned as headphones to consider for quality audio as well as significant isolation from external sounds. Some folks find the design of the Etymotics a bit problematic, they are "canal phones" and need to be placed into your ear canal. They have several styles of tips (one is rubber, the other is foam), you may find one type more suitable than the other. They took me a little while to get comfortable with them, but it was well worth it.

Hope this helps,

I have done a direct A/B check with the Bose and my current Grado 225's. The Bose are mid-fi at best and the price they charge relative to others is way to high.

I use my Grado's when I travel. They are an open design but that doesn't bother me. They sound great and are relatively compact.
I wouldn't consider the Bose fo a moment. Try one the Etymotic ER-4 series and a headroom amplifier and your'e in business!