Gradient Speakers from Finland: Opinions

Gradient speakers from Finland have received a few reviews in Stereophile and and TAS going as far back as 1995. But I have rarely to never heard any talk of them on this website; or, seen any of their speakers up for resale. Anybody out there ever heard these speakers (or own them) especially the models called the "Intro" and "Evidence"?? How do they compare in price and performance to Audio Physic, Thiel, Revel, and Vandersteen?? Or, is this just another mid-fi European company pretending to offer hi-end speakers at exorbitant pricing?? Let's hear it!! Thanks, Jimbo
Drubin -

Other Gradient dealers include Simply Stereo and Holm Audio (both in the Chicago area, I believe) and Primus Audio in Kansas City. I'm in New Orleans.

Drubin -

You are indeed invited to check out the Gradients if (when) you make it to New Orleans! Just give me a holler first.

Or, if you'd like, let me know where you are and maybe I can arrange an in-home audition, if that would be convenient for you.
