Linn Ninkas aktiv vs. not?

Would like to hear a few comments on whether the aktiv option is really that much better. Could the money be spent better? They sound alright now with a single LK-85 and I imagine the bass goes deeper but what else? Can't do the a-b test where I am so I'd like to hear through others' ears. I keep hearing about crossover inefficiency and heat etc. but that was from the seller.... so..?
I am not a Linn owner, but was at the dealer in the past few weeks and heard a demonstration of the Ninkas both active and non-active. I don't know the amp configuration (Linn amps obviously), but asked the cost of the active versus non-active configuration in terms of amplification. In the active mode, using two smaller (in terms of watts per channel) amps versus one larger Linn amp, the extra cost (just for the two amps versus one, and excluding extra cable costs) was about $400 Cnd. more. The active mode with smaller amps crushed the single larger amp. And it was not just bass extension. Smoothness, refinement, musicality, more information, etc. all took a fairly substantial leap forward. I could not see how anyone would not go active with the two smaller amps after hearing it. Hope this helps.
Dear Stuart,
As a LINN Aktiv owner, I agree with HTM. You will also add the option of being able to tune your treble as well. The AKTIV cards have switch. Be sure to stick with the K400 wire. This LINN cable works the best with LINN Aktiv. I've tried others, but I always end up back at the K400. Ask Santa. Happy Holidays!
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