Sonic Differences Between 2-Way and 3-Way Speakers

I have owned a succession of 2-way loudspeakers. I have read comments suggesting that there are certain things 2-way speakers excel at and other things that 3-ways do better. What have I been missing?
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My current speakers are one way. Acoustat 2+2s. All panels run full range with no crossover. Excellent sound. I have also owned Dahlquist DQ-10s, a five way speaker. Also excellent. Depends on who engineers them. Jim Strickland (Acoustat) and Jon Dahquist are both terrific speaker designers. Don
The obvious:simpler crossover,smaller enclosure=better imaging...I am also looking into the very efficient "one way" designs TWL and others speak very highly of...this is the future of hi-end speaker design IMHO...
While all of the comments above are true, three ways when done properly may offer more extended range, dynamics and speed.
A simple well designed 2-way offers a more coherent,transparent, 3-d midrange image...they dont have the low end of a 3-way in general...but 90% of music falls into the midrange the math...
That type of arithmatic would beg the question of, why bother with tweeters and why don't we only go with with one midrange driver? There is an ease to the presentation that three ways can more easily provide the complete musical spectrum.