Sophias vs. Revel Studios

I'm totally stumped, although either one will probably be happiness.
There are many postings on the Revel Studios. You should search for these and get a feel for them. I have the studios and love them. Great detail and soundstage. The Sophias are supposed to be very good as well. I seemed to have read a review in Stereophile recently, but have not heard them. What setting you are going to place these in and what equipment they are going to be matched to is exceedingly important in your decision. Good Luck.
The studios can be a bit bright even with quality amplification...similiar to Thiels in this regard...they are extremely revealing...but very transparent...listen before you leap...
For the money the Sophia's sure are little tiny things... Just a big footed American point of view.

The Sophias are a much easier load to drive, and will give
you more options in choosing an amp.
Sophias are small but soundstage like large speakers a la Watt Puppies with more musicality (vs. wp6). May not have the ultimate level of detail and low, low end but are pretty close to the 6 ( I haven't yet heard the 7's). They are probably one of the most coherent speakers around, more so than any other wilson (other than 7's)and are quite involving, wickedly dynamic and image extremely well when set up right. I drove mine with Krell 750 monoblocks and they loved the power, so if you have hi powered tube amps or a good solid state amp, these speakers will not punish you. In fact, they can sound great with even a low end receiver but will reward you when you move up in amplification. They are the perfect $15k system or $50k systems speaker-they're that good. I'd rather take them over any speaker in the Revel lineup. I have, however only heard the Salons, which I felt were a bit edgy, whitish brittle and sterile. Overall uninvolving but technically impressive. JMO