Quality Bookshelf Speakers

I am looking to upgrade an older pair of Thiel SCS bookshelves running on a 10 year old NAD 80 watt per channel amp and preamp. Have a BW ASW2000 sub. Demoed a pair of BW 602 S3 bookshelves and they were amazing compared to older Thiels. My price range is up to about $1500 for new speakers but want to keep the look fairly small and likely bookshelves - have stands. Provide me with a list of 5 fairly accessible bookshelves that I should also listen to for my price range and amp - given that I might also upgrade the amp in the next year or two. Getting into listening to well recorded music and love what the two channel plus sub does for movies. Thanks for any advice.
Revel M20s. I love mine. Discounted they will fall into your price range. Why anyone would want to put speakers on a bookshelf, beats me. The best way to kill a speaker. The problem is, with "bookshelf" speakers, to sound their best, they must rest on killer stands. That brings the price way out of your range. That is, of course, if you go for Sistrum Mini Monitor speaker support stands. They will take your speakers to places that no other stand will...Also, you will probably want to rethink your amp, after owning these babies. This is probably the beginning of some serious $$ for you...doesn't it always start this way. After all this, it will be your CDP. good luck
David... I auditioned several bookshelf monitors at a local shop a few months back, and the best sounding; i.e. big full sound, dynamic and detailed, were a pair of Meadowlark Vireos. Bass is front ported and so can be placed right up against a back wall on a shelf... $1K new
Quad 11L-Product of the Year..WhatHiFi..brit press
Proac-reference 8
Revel m20
Nsmaudio.com model 10